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Become a Postpartum Doula

Have you been thinking about becoming a doula, but don't know where to start? Wrap Around Baby offers postpartum doula training, certification, and ongoing mentorship. 

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Wrap Around Baby offers both postpartum doula training and certification. Our certification is currently recognized and accepted by Carrot and other insurance programs. Our certification requirements are as follows:

1. Attend our postpartum doula training 

2. Attend our Advanced Infant Feeding course or other approved infant feeding course 

3. Mentorship and shadowing hours with at least one day shift and one night shift 

4.Reading material. Choose 2 books from two of the following categories: breastfeeding, infant sleep, parenting, or newborn care. Some examples include Crib Sheets or The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding 

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